Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sightseeing Susa

The Romans really were everywhere and that’s completely apparent when I find them in the little mountain town of Susa. The main point of interest here, for me, was the Arch of Augustus (Arco di Augusto). Made from local marble, this triumphal arch was built in 8 B.C. to commemorate the alliance between the local Gaulish chieftain and the Roman Emperor Augustus. It is one of the best-preserved arches in Italy and its beautiful! But continuing to walk around Susa, I found evidence and artistry from just about every century. Roman, mid evil, renaissance, modern, it’s all here blending together like a patchwork quilt. There are so many remarkable nooks and crannies here I seriously recommend doing what we did, park the car, take the camera, walk around and get lost. I promise you will see the greatest stuff.

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