Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tex, An Italain Hero.

Italians love comics. They have many long time running comic characters like this guy,Tex Willer. TEX, as he's better known, is a cowboy from the American old west that this month celebrates his 60th year of fantastical gun slinging adventures. My neighborhood, Moncalieri, has been giving a nod to 'ol Tex's birthday by putting up these posters all over town in support.

Here are a few really great Tex images so you can see an Italian's romanticized version of the American wild west.

1 comment:

. said...

Ciao!I'm just passing by fron etsy forum!And as a italian living abroad,I got a bit of "nostalgia" reading your blog!
Did you eat "stria" and "gnocchi farciti"?I miss them so much!!!