Thursday, July 12, 2012

Being Pier's Caddy

  I offered my personal and non-skilled caddy services to Pier yesterday as he took in a few holes after work. Fact: We were the youngest people on the course that day by at least 30 years. I learned: why electric carts were invented. Tip: Take mosquito repellent or risk to be eaten alive.


Liz said...

Living near the coast here in Texas, I know about them there mosquitos. Moisture=mosquitos. Have you ever seen a Texas size one? And as for the golf carts, think of all the great exercise you got by walking and doing the mosquito dance....Slap,slap,run in I right? Have done that dance many a day and night...On a serious note, looks like a really nice date with you man...

Italian Postcards said...

Ciao Liz, I know all about those Texas mesquitos, my family is in Dallas. Deadly right?!

You were right about the exercise!!! But those carts are just so fun, like toy cars :)

Thanks as always for your comments!